Friday, October 03, 2003

I thought you all could use this feel good picture to brighten up your day. have a great weekend all.

Friday, September 19, 2003

Sorry its been so long. I am going to try to post more often. Well its just T- 3 months and counting untill Kelly and I's big day I can hardly wait!

Arr. Shiver me timbers. for those of you that didn't know today is Internation Talk Like a Pirate Day. SO Avast, me mateys .

Talk Like A Pirate Day Web site

The Pirate Song

Monday, June 02, 2003

Hey All,

Well today I put in my notice at the once beloved Creative Labs. Well lets just say that it hasn't so beloved since we have been required to do at least 10 mails an hour I was getting pretty dame sick of it, and I will be able to get as many hours as I need at the engineering job with the possibility of a raise in the near future. So.. I have started this week off pretty well after the weekend from hell and the, not much better, week that followed.
With that, I hope you all are haveing a wonderful week and hope it stays that way.

Monday, May 12, 2003

Here is a Picture of the top of my Coffee table that I just replaced whatca all think?
Coffee Table
Hey all sorry its been so long, I am going to try and post some more this week.
I am also going to try and get Kelly to post. Well the weekend was exciting.
I will tell you about it more later. Have a great week All

Tuesday, April 15, 2003

Whats up All?

Its been pretty busy around here, and I am getting kinda tired of the whole 2 Jobs and 12 hours of school thing, Its getting really old. But after looking at my school records so that I could enrole for the summer and fall. Everything is on scedule to Graduate in May 2004 "Wait there it is, off in the distance.... I can just make out the light at the end of the tunnel."

Friday, April 11, 2003


Not really much to say this morning.... Just thank GOD its Friday. Hope You all have a great weekend.

Wednesday, April 09, 2003

I would like to make a literary recommendation to those who may need a quick thought evoking read. GOD’S DEBRIS A Thought Experiment By Scott Adams (of Dilbert fame) {NO mention of cubicles any where in the book}

….For those who know me can take this for what its worth
My internal Clock is soooo screwed up. With the time change this last weekend, when I was getting up at 5:30am every morning now I should be getting up at 6:30am , well some how my body has over compensated and now like clockwork for the last 3 day I have been waking up at… 4:30am in the dame morning and try as I might there is no way to go back to sleep. Oh well I have been able to get some more stuff done in the quiet hours before dawn but it still sucks.

Tuesday, April 08, 2003

Just working dont have much to say. e-mail support sucks i case you all were wondering.

Monday, April 07, 2003

First Post to the Complete Waste of time/ If you have any thing to add, fell free.